
Privacy Policy

This policy statement relates to our privacy practices in connection with this website and is intended to inform you about the kinds of information we may obtain about you as a visitor to our website, how we may use that information and who we may share that information with. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of other websites.

Each time you access, browse and/or use our website you agree to the following terms. If you do not agree you must cease to use our website.

General Statement.

Reference to “Synalysys″, and “How Not to Mess Up Your Kids”, “Stressence”, “F1tness”, “Happynys”and “Mid-Life Wake” in the following terms and conditions means Synalysys.Ltd.

Synalysys respects your right to privacy and we are committed to complying with applicable data protection and privacy law. We will only collect personal information about you with your awareness and permission. Any personal information which you provide to us and/or which we obtain about you, will be kept secure and confidential using appropriate technical measures and by ensuring staff are trained and aware of how to protect your data.

Collection and Use of Your Personal Information.

You agree that any data you provide to us will be true, complete and accurate in all respects and you agree to notify us immediately of any changes to it. We will only collect personal information which is necessary to:

  • process any applications for Synalysys Services made by you;
  • conduct a credit and fraud prevention check with a credit reference agency, if you apply for a commercial account. The agency will supply us with information about you to help us verify your identity and decide whether to accept your application or future applications. The Agency will record details of our search and your application whether your application is successful or not. We will use a combination of credit scoring and/or automated decision making systems when assessing your application. This information will be available to other lenders;
  • set-up and administer your account;
  • provide customer services and respond to and resolve any enquiries or complaints;
  • provide any products, services or information requested by you;
  • conduct analysis for traffic and billing management, and to support product development;
  • contact you for market research purposes;
  • keep you up to date by post, telephone, email, mobile phone by text, picture, video and audio message with information About Synalysys, Synalysys services, and offers and promotions subject to any marketing preferences indicated by you. It’s your choice and you’re in control – you can contact us at any time to update your preferences by sending an email to prefs@Synalysys .com or by writing to or calling customer services.

If you are aged 16 or under, you must get your parent or guardian’s consent to provide your personal information to Synalysys ′s website, otherwise you are not allowed to provide any of your personal information to us.

Retention of data.

We will only keep your personal information for as long as necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and to provide you with services, to conduct our legitimate business interests or where otherwise required by law. If you use ’Synalysys Services’, we may hold your Communications Data for 12 months for legitimate business purposes (or longer in connection with any legal proceedings or disputes) and for 3 years to meet State requirements.

We will only use your personal information in accordance with this notice and applicable Irish data protection and privacy legislation. Please read all of this notice and feel free to contact us at the address below with any questions.

If you provide contact details of someone other than you (including email, telephone number or address) you must tell us. Until you tell us we will be entitled to assume that these contact details relate to you and you will hold us harmless from any claim made by you or any third party relating to us relying on you having authority to process this data as if it related solely to you (including for marketing and enforcing the agreement).

If we reasonably believe that you have supplied us with false or inaccurate information, or if we suspect fraud, we may delay your Service Delivery, reject your application request or suspend your access to Services until an investigation has been completed to our satisfaction.

By ‘Your Information’ we mean information that you give us or that we obtain about you as a result of any application or registration for, and use of Synalysys services. It may include your name, current and previous address(es), date of birth, telephone and fax numbers, gender, email address, employment and lifestyle information, bank and credit or debit card information, and information obtained from credit reference and fraud prevention agencies, marketing organisations and those who provide services to us.


Your personal information may also be processed by other organisations on our behalf for the purpose of processing applications, and providing information or services to you. The use of personal data for these purposes will remain under our control at all times.

We may also disclose your information for the prevention and detection of crime and to protect the interests of Synalysys and other users or if required to do so by law.

Collection and use of technical information.

We use “session” cookies which enable a visitor’s web browser to ‘remember’ which pages on this website have already been visited. We may also map and analyse visitor usage patterns to help us develop the site and enhance a visitor’s experience.

Depending on the type of browser you are using, you may be able to configure your browser so that: (i) you are prompted to accept or reject cookies on an individual basis or (ii) to prevent your browser from accepting any cookies at all. You should refer to the supplier or manufacturer of the web browser for specific details about cookie security.

We may collect and store certain ‘technical information’ about your visit to this site, such as:

  • the IP address from which you access this website;
  • the type of browser and operating system used to visit this site;
  • the date and time of your visit(s) to this site;
  • clickstream data which which reveals the activities of visitors around this website (for example the pages you access and products browsed) and;
  • the website address of the website from which you accessed this site.

None of the technical information we collect could be used by us to identify visitors to this website. Such data are used only to analyse trends, administer and improve our website, track movement through our website and gather statistical information about visits to the website.

Notification of changes.

If we change this Privacy Policy we will post the amended Policy on our website so that you are always aware of how we collect, use and disclose your personal information.

Access to your personal information.

You have the right to request a copy of any personal information we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies corrected. We will charge an administrative fee of €4.65 to provide a copy of any data held. Please write by sending an email to [email protected]

Monitoring of Your Communications.

We may monitor and/or record communications between you and Synalysys for quality control and training purposes.

Other terms and conditions.

You should read this Policy in conjunction with our website terms and conditions (which apply to your use of this website)