F1TNESS is your Fast-track to a healthy body and a healthy mind.


It is a 360 degree management of your health and fitness regime.

Any diet will work – the problem is sticking to it. Same with exercise.


So what is different with this Programme?


Beginning with an introduction to Synalysys Hypnosis, and the overall goals of the Programme, F1tness will tap into the Power of your Subconscious mind to engage the changes that you want in your life.

No willpower required.

If your subconscious mind Believes that you need to look and feel some other way, it will have no choice but to Enact  a Lifestyle choice that will produce this result!

After changing your minds with Synalysys Hypnosis, you need to have an alternative lifestyle ready to take over. If you’ve only ever ordered take away food, and don’t know how to boil an egg, then you’ll fail!

Having decided to change your life, if you take on too much exercise too quickly, or embark on the wrong type of programme you could injure yourself, and immediately put your new lifestyle on the back foot!

Why not take the more Prudent and Powerful course of action, and sign up for the F1tness.com Programme?

F1tness aims to assist with your eating habits as well as your Exercise plan to ensure that, for your current weight-loss requirements, you are optimally firing on all cylinders!


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We will

  • Listen to your needs
  • Explain to you why it will be different this time – Willpower vs the power of your Subconscious mind
  • Assess your case and assign you into a similar target group
  • Explain to you how hypnosis works
  • Go over the main principles of the Programme and what it will deliver
  • Tease out how you came to be this way
  • Hypnotise your subconscious mind into a new behaviour pattern and self-belief system
  • Advise on how to set up your kitchen
  • Give Practical advice on how to cook,   what to eat,   how to eat,   when to eat
  • Introduce You to progressive Fitness Programmes to get your body moving – No Gym Membership Required!!
  • Continuously assess Your progression through the Hypnosis and Exercise Programmes until you hit your targets
  • Modify your Programme to concentrate on Maintenance of your new Healthy Body, Mind, and Lifestyle

You will

  • Find useful tips and tricks for dealing with eating disorders and bad habits
  • Find yourself cooking up a storm of beautiful and healthy food
  • Find yourself thoroughly enjoying a life filled with exercise and activities
  • Find that you are meeting lots more people
  • Find your skin improving naturally
  • Find yourself sleeping more soundly
  • Find that you have much more energy
  • Find that you are proud of yourself
  • Find that you never seem to be bored anymore
  • Find yourself donating a lot of frumpy old clothes to charity, because they don’t fit you any more
  • Find yourself having more fun than you’ve had in years
  • Find the new you!

We look forward to hearing from you!